Home > List of Articles 2011-2023
List of Articles 2011-2023
Volume 13
Special Issue: Artificial Intelligence, Robots, and Philosophy
[PDF] Open Access
: Descartes and Artificial Intelligence
Masahiro Morioka
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.13, No.1 (January 2023):1-4
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Isaac Asimov and the Current State of Space Science Fiction
: In the Light of Space Ethics
Shin-ichiro Inaba
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.13, No.1 (January 2023):5-28
[PDF][Repository] Open Access
Artificial Intelligence and Contemporary Philosophy
: Heidegger, Jonas, and Slime Mold
Masahiro Morioka
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.13, No.1 (January 2023):29-43
[PDF][Repository] Open Access
Implications of Automating Science
: The Possibility of Artificial Creativity and the Future of Science
Makoto Kureha
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.13, No.1 (January 2023):44-63
[PDF][Repository] Open Access
Why Autonomous Agents Should Not Be Built for War
István Zoltán Zárdai
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.13, No.1 (January 2023):64-96
[PDF][Repository] Open Access
Wheat and Pepper
: Interactions Between Technology and Humans
Minao Kukita
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.13, No.1 (January 2023):97-111
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Clockwork Courage
: A Defense of Virtuous Robots
Shimpei Okamoto
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.13, No.1 (January 2023):112-124
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Reconstructing Agency from Choice
Yuko Murakami
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.13, No.1 (January 2023):125-134
[PDF][Repository] Open Access
Gushing Prose
: Will Machines Ever be Able to Translate as Badly as Humans?
Rossa Ó Muireartaigh
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.13, No.1 (January 2023):135-146
[PDF][Repository] Open Access
Open Access Book
Artificial Intelligence, Robots, and Philosophy
Edited by Masahiro Morioka
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.13, No.1 (January 2023):1-146
[PDF][Repository] Open Access |
Volume 12
Special Issue: Philosophy and Meaning in Life Vol.4: Selected Papers from the Pretoria Conference (Peer-reviewed)
[PDF] Open Access
Theorizing About Meaning in Life
Cheshire Calhoun
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.12, No.1 (November 2022):1-20
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Is It Possible to Say ‘Yes’ to Traumatic Experiences?
A Philosophical Approach to Human Suffering
Masahiro Morioka
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.12, No.1 (November 2022):21-38
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Why Beauvoir Is Not a Subjectivist about Meaning in Life
Kiki Berk
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.12, No.1 (November 2022):39-54
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Axiological Values Grounded in Basic Motivational Dispositions
How to Be a Subjectivist about Meaning in Life
Frank Martela
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.12, No.1 (November 2022):55-76
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Pessimism, Political Critique, and the Contingently Bad Life
Patrick O’Donnell
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.12, No.1 (November 2022):77-100
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Reason, Luck, and Meaning
A Critique of the Moralist View of Meaning in Life
Kazuki Watanabe
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.12, No.1 (November 2022):101-115
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Open Access Book
Philosophy and Meaning in Life Vol.4: Selected Papers from the Pretoria Conference
Edited by Masahiro Morioka
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.12, No.1 (November 2022):1-115
[PDF][Repository] Open Access |
Volume 11
Special Issue: Philosophy and Meaning in Life Vol.3 (Peer-reviewed)
[PDF] Open Access
Deep Personal Meaning
A Subjective Approach to Meaning in Life
Drew Chastain
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.11, No.1 (June 2021):1-23
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Causation and the Narrative Meaning of Life
Mirela Oliva
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.11, No.1 (June 2021):24-42
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
What Is Birth Affirmation?
The Meaning of Saying "Yes" to Having Been Born
Masahiro Morioka
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.11, No.1 (June 2021):43-59
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Beauvoir's Philosophy of Meaning in Life
Kiki Berk
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.11, No.1 (June 2021):60-77
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Meaning and Mistakes in Philosophy and Life
Benjamin Murphy
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.11, No.1 (June 2021):78-99
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Truth and Meaning in Life
A Badiouan Theory of Meaning in Life
Jairus Diesta Espiritu
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.11, No.1 (June 2021):100-122
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
What We Mean by 'Meaning'
Aaron Brooks
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.11, No.1 (June 2021):123-143
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
The Meaning of Life is the Pursuit of Love
Heidi Cobham
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.11, No.1 (June 2021):144-154
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Open Access Book
Philosophy and Meaning in Life Vol.3
Edited by Masahiro Morioka
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.11, No.1 (June 2021):1-154
[PDF][Repository] Open Access |
Lockdowns and Life-Value
: Covid Response as an Existential Problem
Jeff Noonan
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.11, No.1 (June 2021):155-172
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Human Life and Deep Time
Ben G. Yacobi
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.11, No.1 (December 2021):173-178
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Volume 10
Special Issue: Philosophy and Meaning in Life Vol.2: Interdisciplinary Approaches (Peer-reviewed)
[PDF] Open Access
Affinity, Worth, and Fecundity
On Susan Wolf’s Advice for Living a Meaningful Life
John Partridge
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.10, No.1 (July 2020):1-16
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Phenomenological Interpretations of Life
Reductivist and Non-Reductivist Approaches in Heidegger, Scheler,
Jonas, and Barbaras
Andrew Tyler Johnson
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.10, No.1 (July 2020):17-37
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
A Stoic Approach to Living a Meaningful Life
Andrew M. Winters
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.10, No.1 (July 2020):38-57
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
The Relational Account of Meaning in Life
A Critique
Joshua Chang and Michelle Pitassi
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.10, No.1 (July 2020):58-77
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Living through Nature
Capturing Interdependence and Impermanence in the Life Framework of Values
Laÿna Droz
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.10, No.1 (July 2020):78-97
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Nothingness, the Self, and the Meaning of Life
Nishida, Nishitani, and Japanese Psychotherapeutic Approaches to the Challenge of Nihilism
Lehel Balogh
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.10, No.1 (July 2020):98-119
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
If Goldfish Give Us Meaning in Life, What’s Next?
A Critique of Susan Wolf’s Meaning in Life and Why It Matters
Nathaniel Serio
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.10, No.1 (July 2020):120-133
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Open Access Book
Philosophy and Meaning in Life Vol.2
: Interdisciplinary Approaches
Edited by Masahiro Morioka
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.10, No.1 (July 2020):1-133
[PDF][Repository] Open Access |
Philosophy of Life
A Western Posthuman Identity: A First-Person Reflection on Life
Allan M. Savage
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.10, No.2 (August 2020):134-145
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Catastrophe Ethics
: Towards a Trans/Posthuman Philosophy of Life?
Kyle Takaki
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.10, No.2 (August 2020):146-163
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Human Freedom and Free Will
: Necessary Illusions
Ben G. Yacobi
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.10, No.3 (December 2020):164-170
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Volume 9
Special Issue: Philosophy and Meaning in Life Vol.1: International Perspectives (Peer-reviewed)
Masahiro Morioka
[PDF] Open Access
How Human Life Matters in the Universe
A Reply to David Benatar
Brooke Alan Trisel
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.9, No.1 (June 2019):1-15
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
The ‘Subjective Attraction’ and ‘Objective Attractiveness’ of the Practice of the Rites in the Xunzi
Angel On Ki Ting
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.9, No.1 (June 2019):16-32
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Meaning of Life and Nonsense in Tractatus
: No Answer for No Question and Some Fictional Illuminations
Isabel G. Gamero Cabrera
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.9, No.1 (June 2019):33-53
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
The Philosophical Investigations as a Christian Text
: Christian Faith and Wittgenstein’s Rule-following
Jairus Diesta Espiritu
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.9, No.1 (June 2019):54-63
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
The Moral Status of Infants and Fetuses
: Teleological Potential, Justice and Charity
Sara Chan Yun Yu
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.9, No.1 (June 2019):64-81
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
A Solipsistic and Affirmation-Based Approach to Meaning in Life
Masahiro Morioka
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.9, No.1 (June 2019):82-97
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Open Access Book
Philosophy and Meaning in Life Vol.1
: International Perspectives
Edited by Masahiro Morioka
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.9, No.1 (June 2019):1-97
[PDF][Repository] Open Access |
Asymmetry, Suffering, and Coping
Running Alongside Benatar
Andrew Oberg
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.9, No.2 (November 2019):1-21
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
The Fading of Human Civilization
Ben G. Yacobi
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.9, No.2 (November 2019):22-31
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Bullshit, Living, and the Future
Kyle Takaki
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.9, No.2 (November 2019):32-51
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Volume 8
Life’s Perennial Problems
Kyle Takaki
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.8, No.1 (January 2018):1-19
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
“Dehellenization of Thought” and the Philosophy of Life
: From the Viewpoints of Leslie Dewart and Masahiro Morioka
Allan Savage
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.8, No.1 (January 2018):20-34
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Life in Progress
: Musings about Speech, Thought and Understanding
Allan Savage
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.8, No.2 (July 2018):35-47
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
No Such Thing As the Good-Life
: A Critique and Plea for Ignorance
John Shand
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.8, No.2 (July 2018):48-64
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
A Brief Passage Through the Wilderness
Ben G. Yacobi
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.8, No.2 (July 2018):65-72
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Volume 7
Special Issue: Nihilism and the Meaning of Life: A Philosophical Dialogue with James Tartaglia
[PDF] Open Access
Nihilism and the Meaning of Life
James Tartaglia
[PDF] Open Access
Transcendent Reality and the Consciousness Problem
Adam Balmer
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.7, No.1 (July 2017):1-15
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Reply to Adam Balmer
James Tartaglia
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.7, No.1 (July 2017):16-20
[PDF] Open Access
Is Consciousness Transcendent?
: Comments on James Tartaglia’s Philosophy in a Meaningless Life: A System of Nihilism, Consciousness and Reality
Philip Goff
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.7, No.1 (July 2017):21-32
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Reply to Philip Goff
James Tartaglia
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.7, No.1 (July 2017):33-49
[PDF] Open Access
Nothing but Nihilism?
: The Spirit of Purposelessness in James Tartaglia’s Philosophy in a Meaningless Life
Ronald A. Kuipers
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.7, No.1 (July 2017):50-69
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Reply to Ronald A. Kuipers
James Tartaglia
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.7, No.1 (July 2017):70-80
[PDF] Open Access
The Deep Personal Resonance of Nihilism
Tracy Llanera
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.7, No.1 (July 2017):81-91
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Reply to Tracy Llanera
James Tartaglia
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.7, No.1 (July 2017):92-97
[PDF] Open Access
Living in the Frame
: Meaning on Loan from Nihilism
Alan Malachowski
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.7, No.1 (July 2017):98-119
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Reply to Alan Malachowski
James Tartaglia
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.7, No.1 (July 2017):120-135
[PDF] Open Access
In Search of Perspective
: Notes on Freedom, Transcendence, and Finitude in Tartaglia’s Philosophy in a Meaningless Life
Bjørn Torgrim Ramberg
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.7, No.1 (July 2017):136-151
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Reply to Bjørn Ramberg
James Tartaglia
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.7, No.1 (July 2017):152-159
[PDF] Open Access
How Human Life Could be Unintended but Meaningful
: A Reply to Tartaglia
Brooke Alan Trisel
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.7, No.1 (July 2017):160-179
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Reply to Brooke Alan Trisel
James Tartaglia
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.7, No.1 (July 2017):180-186
[PDF] Open Access
J. J. Valberg
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.7, No.1 (July 2017):187-194
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Reply to J. J. Valberg
James Tartaglia
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.7, No.1 (July 2017):195-207
[PDF] Open Access
‘Life is Meaningless.’ Compared to What?
Damian Veal
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.7, No.1 (July 2017):208-260
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Reply to Damian Veal
James Tartaglia
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.7, No.1 (July 2017):261-278
[PDF] Open Access
Transcendence and Mediation
: From Tartaglia to the Free-Will Debate
Sho Yamaguchi
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.7, No.1 (July 2017):279-304
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Reply to Sho Yamaguchi
James Tartaglia
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.7, No.1 (July 2017):305-315
[PDF] Open Access
Open Access Book
Nihilism and the Meaning of Life
: A Philosophical Dialogue with James Tartaglia
Edited by Masahiro Morioka
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.7, No.1 (July 2017):1-315
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access |
The Trolley Problem and the Dropping of Atomic Bombs
Masahiro Morioka
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.7, No.2 (August 2017):316-337
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Death to Death
: Descartes, Living Bodies, and the Concept of Death
Susan Mills
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.7, No.2 (August 2017):338-360
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
The Being of Death
Jim Hanson
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.7, No.2 (August 2017):361-376
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Becoming a Seer
: Thoughts on Deleuze, Mindfulness and Feminism
Finn Janning
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.7, No.2 (August 2017):377-390
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Meaning and Fulfilment in Life
: The Roles of Criticism, Self-Discovery and Autobiography
Tony Summer
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.7, No.3 (October 2017):391-405
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Volume 6
Human Extinction, Narrative Ending, and Meaning of Life
Brooke Alan Trisel
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.6, No.1 (April 2016):1-22
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
From Wisdom to Spirituality
: Serres, Polanyi and Complexity
Kyle Takaki
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.6, No.1 (April 2016):23-50
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Reality According to Language and Concepts
Ben G. Yacobi
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.6, No.2 (June 2016):51-58
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Living Well, Living, and Being
Kyle Takaki
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.6, No.3 (October 2016):59-73
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Volume 5
Philosophy for Everyday Life
Finn Janning
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.5, No.1 (July 2015):1-18
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Feminism, Disability, and Brain Death
: Alternative Voices from Japanese Bioethics
Masahiro Morioka
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.5, No.1 (July 2015):19-41
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
The Significance of Insignificance
: Two Ways to Learn to Die in an Egocentric World
J. Jeremy Wisnewski
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.5, No.2 (August 2015):42-61
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Does Death Give Meaning to Life?
Brooke Alan Trisel
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.5, No.2 (August 2015):62-81
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Life and the Pursuit of Happiness
Ben G. Yacobi
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.5, No.2 (August 2015):82-90
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Special Issue: Reconsidering Meaning in Life – A Philosophical Dialogue with Thaddeus Metz (Peer-reviewed)
[PDF] Open Access
Précis of Meaning in Life: An Analytic Study
Thaddeus Metz
[PDF] Open Access
Source and Bearer
: Metz on the Pure Part-Life View of Meaning
Hasko von Kriegstein
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.5, No.3 (October 2015):1-18
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Fundamentality and Extradimensional Final Value
David Matheson
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.5, No.3 (October 2015):19-32
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Meaningful and More Meaningful
: A Modest Measure
Peter Baumann
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.5, No.3 (October 2015):33-49
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Is Meaning in Life Comparable?
: From the Viewpoint of ‘The Heart of Meaning in Life’
Masahiro Morioka
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.5, No.3 (October 2015):50-65
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Agreement and Sympathy
: On Metz’s Meaning in Life
Sho Yamaguchi
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.5, No.3 (October 2015):66-89
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Metz’s Quest for the Holy Grail
James Tartaglia
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.5, No.3 (October 2015):90-111
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Meaning without Ego
Christopher Ketcham
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.5, No.3 (October 2015):112-133
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Death and the Meaning of Life
: A Critical Study of Metz’s Meaning in Life
Fumitake Yoshizawa
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.5, No.3 (October 2015):134-149
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Metz’ Incoherence Objection
: Some Epistemological Considerations
Nicholas Waghorn
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.5, No.3 (October 2015):150-168
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Meaning in Consequences
Mark Wells
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.5, No.3 (October 2015):169-179
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Defending the Purpose Theory of Meaning in Life
Jason Poettcker
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.5, No.3 (October 2015):180-207
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Review of Thaddeus Metz’s Meaning in Life
Minao Kukita
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.5, No.3 (October 2015):208-214
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
A Psychological Model to Determine Meaning in Life and Meaning of Life
Yu Urata
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.5, No.3 (October 2015):215-227
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Assessing Lives, Giving Supernaturalism Its Due, and Capturing Naturalism
: Reply to 13 Critics of Meaning in Life
Thaddeus Metz
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.5, No.3 (October 2015):228-278
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Open Access Book
Reconsidering Meaning in Life
: A Philosophical Dialogue with Thaddeus Metz
Edited by Masahiro Morioka
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.5, No.3 (October 2015):1-278
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access |
Volume 4
Narrating Life and Hope
: Social Struggles in Japanese Post-modernity and the Impact of the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster
Azumi Tamura
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.4, No.1 (January 2014):1-27
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Does Happiness Die With Us?
: An Aristotelian Examination of the Fortunes of the Deceased
Edward C. DuBois
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.4, No.1 (January 2014):28-37
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
What Little Remains of Life
Ben G. Yacobi
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.4, No.1 (January 2014):38-47
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
The Happiness of Burnout
Finn Janning
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.4, No.1 (January 2014):48-67
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
The Incoherence of Denying My Death
Lajos L. Brons
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.4, No.2 (May 2014):68-89
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
A Woman Like Us?
: On Margarethe von Trotta’s “Hannah Arendt”
Kei Hiruta
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.4, No.3 (July 2014): 90-98
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Special Report
Discrepancies of Abortion Methods and Values Between Japan and the World
Kumi Tsukahara
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.4, No.4 (December 2014):99-120
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
True Detective: Pessimism, Buddhism or Philosophy?
Finn Janning
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.4, No.4 (December 2014):121-141
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Volume 3
The Life-Value of Death
: Mortality, Finitude, and Meaningful Lives
Jeff Noonan
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.3, No.1 (January 2013):1-23
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
The Economic and Family Context of Philosophical Autobiography
: Acting ‘As-If’ for American Buddenbrooks
Christine A. James
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.3, No.1 (January 2013):24-43
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
A Coleridgean Account of Meditative Experience
Peter Cheyne
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.3, No.1 (January 2013):44-67
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Liberation through Compassion and Kindness
: The Buddhist Eightfold Path as a Philosophy of Life
William Irwin
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.3, No.1 (January 2013):68-82
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Ethical Selves
: A Sketch for a Theory of Relational Authenticity
Natalie Fletcher
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.3, No.1 (January 2013):83-96
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
After Freud
: How Well Do We Know Ourselves and Why Does It Matter?
Kathleen O’Dwyer
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.3, No.2 (April 2013):97-107
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Towards a Return to One’s Essence
: Some Reflections on Nietzsche and Heidegger
Dennis A. de Vera
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.3, No.2 (April 2013):108-126
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Better to Be a Renunciant
: Buddhism, Happiness, and the Good Life
Charles K. Fink
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.3, No.2 (April 2013):127-144
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Is God Our Benefactor?
: An Argument from Suffering
Dagfinn Sjaastad Karlsen
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.3, No.3 (September 2013):145-167
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Death and the Colonial Difference
: An Analysis of a Mexican Idea
Carlos Alberto Sánchez
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.3, No.3 (September 2013):168-189
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Discussion Paper
The Value of the Pre-Person
: Potentiality, Person-Maker Criteria, and Social Dimension
Mirko Ancillotti
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.3, No.3 (September 2013):190-201
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
The Human Dilemma
: Life Between Illusion and Reality
Ben G. Yacobi
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.3, No.3 (September 2013):202-211
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
On Artificial and Animal Electricity
: Alessandro Volta vs. Luigi Galvani
Diana Soeiro
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.3, No.3 (September 2013):212-237
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Volume 2
Human Dignity and the Manipulation of the Sense of Happiness
: From the Viewpoint of Bioethics and Philosophy of Life
Masahiro Morioka
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.2, No.1 (March 2012):1-14
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Why and How Has Hans Jonas Been “Welcomed” in Japan?
: A Reply from Japan to LaFleur’s Interpretation
Tetsuhiko Shinagawa
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.2, No.1 (March 2012):15-31
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Heidegger and the Question Concerning Biotechnology
Nathan Van Camp
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.2, No.1 (March 2012):32-54
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Discussion Paper
Negative Average Preference Utilitarianism
Roger Chao
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.2, No.1 (March 2012):55-66
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Discussion Paper
Phenomenological Skillful Coping
: Another Counter-Argument to Daniel Dennett’s Heterophenomenology
Jethro Masís
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.2, No.1 (March 2012):67-91
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
The Degradation of Human Relations Through Instant and Ever-present Communication, and the New Etiquette It Requires
John Shand
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.2, No.1 (March 2012):92-101
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Emerson’s Argument for Self-reliance as a Significant Factor in a Flourishing Life
Kathleen O’Dwyer
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.2, No.1 (March 2012):102-110
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
The Current of the Universe
: Acceptance and Being Here Now
William Irwin
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.2, No.2 (July 2012):111-118
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Volume 1
How Ancient Greek Philosophy Can Be Made Relevant to Contemporary Life
James Duerlinger
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.1, No.1 (March 2011):1-12
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Discussion Paper
Your Money or Your Life
: John McMurtry and Martha Nussbaum on the For-profit Assault upon Life-capabilities
Giorgio Baruchello
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.1, No.1 (March 2011):13-48
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Carl Schmitt and Giorgio Agamben
: From Biopolitics to Political Romanticism
Federico Luisetti
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.1, No.1 (March 2011):49-58
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Discussion Paper
How Should We Think About “Enhancement”?
: Beyond the Proponents vs. Opponents Scheme
Masahiro Inaga
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.1, No.2 (July 2011):59-73
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
A Valuable and Meaningful Individual Life
John Shand
Journal of Philosophy of Life Vol.1, No.2 (July 2011):74-83
[Abstract] [PDF] Open Access
Masahiro Morioka (editor-in-chief), Faculty of Human Sciences, Waseda University, Japan 
Kazuyuki Hosomi, Faculty of Integrated Human Studies, Kyoto University, Japan 
Tetsuhiko Shinagawa, Faculty of Letters, Kansai University, Japan 
Editorial Advisory Board
Bertold Bernreuter, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico
Thaddeus Metz, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
Christian Steineck, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Mark Zlomislic, Conestoga College, Canada
Bibliographic Data
Title: Journal of Philosophy of Life
ISSN: 2185-4505
Place of Publication: School of Human Sciences, Waseda University, 2-579-15 Mikajima, Tokorozawa-shi, Saitama, 3591192 Japan. (Former Place of Publication: Research Institute for Environmental Philosophy and Philosophical Anthropology, Research Organization for the 21st Century, Osaka Prefecture University. Gakuencho 1-1, Naka-ku, Sakai-shi, Osaka, 5998531 Japan).
Publisher: Project of Philosophy and Contemporary Society (Tokyo Philosophy Project), Advanced Research Center for Human Sciences, Waseda University.
Editor-in-chief: Masahiro Morioka
Email: journal[a]philosophyoflife.org
*The first issue of the journal was published on March 24, 2011. This website was established on April 9, 2010.
Journal of Philosophy of Life (Publisher)
Place of Publication: School of Human Sciences, Waseda University, 2-579-15 Mikajima, Tokorozawa-shi, Saitama, 3591192 Japan. |